Saturday, 19 October 2013

Complementary DNA (cDNA) and Genome Project

Hepatology - Section of Gastroenterology, studying the etiology, pathogenesis, airmobile diagnosis, treatment and prevention of liver disease and biliary tract. At gastroscopy You can take a piece of tissue for histological examination. Hematoma - a limited accumulation of blood may be produced by damage blood vessels. Is often a manifestation of infection, poisoning with eating poor-quality products. Hematology - Section of Internal Medicine, has been studying the etiologies (causes), Pathology, pathogenesis (Mechanisms vozinknoveniya), clinics and treatment of diseases of the blood system. Exhale (syn. expiration) - removal of air from the lungs during respiration. Gardner's syndrome - a hereditary disease characterized by Multiple-polyposis colorectal cancer in airmobile with benign tumors, most often the bones and skin (osteoma, fibroma, lipoma). Gamartroma - a focal defect of development, reminiscent of the tumor, caused in violation of morphogenesis, is composed of unusual combinations of fabric elements or neproportsialno airmobile tissue element. Dislocation - displacement of the articular ends of bones in their physiological predeley mobility, which causes dysfunction of the joint. Hemolysis is accompanied by fever, the appearance of red urine and jaundice. Hemophilia - a hereditary disease characterized airmobile spontaneous bleeding, occurring at minor injuries. Newborn - combining an acute inflammation of the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract, mainly affecting the small and thick kishok.Soprovozhdaetsya nausea, vomiting, changes in the nature stools - diarrhea. Secondary tension - self-healing wound with the formation of granulation tissue, reducing the size of the wound and the upgrading of the epithelium of its edges. The method is used to diagnose various diseases Stomach: gastritis and its form, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer. Hemolysis - airmobile destruction of red blood cells with release of hemoglobin into plasma blood Distinguish intravascular here - the destruction of airmobile blood cells in the in the vessels (with incompatible blood transfusions, malaria, action biological poisons - snakes, bees, etc.) and extravascular that occurs in airmobile spleen, liver (with sickle cell anemia, and microspherocytosis and some other hereditary hemolytic anemia). Hepatomegaly - a significant increase in liver size. Hallucinations - psychopathological condition characterized by spontaneously arising imaginary perception, and the non-existent objects acquired for the patient the nature of reality. Refer to the server on disease rectum. Violation blood supply often occurs as a result of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, trauma, embolism (blood clot blockage of the vessel) and thrombosis (blood clot in the appearance of the vessel). Gastroschisis - congenital muscular defect in the abdominal wall, usually with protrusion of internal organs, but not in the umbilical ring. Effusion - accumulation of fluid (exudate or trasssudata) airmobile the cavity. Secondary sexual characteristics - traits related to the structure and (or) function of various organs, except sex - the development of airmobile breast glands, body hair on the pubes, etc. Gastroduodenitis - clinical and morphological form of chronic gastritis, at which the affected mucous membranes of the output part of the stomach and duodenum. Gangrene is wet (more dangerous, since it is absorbed into the bloodstream toxic products) and dry (mummification). Hemodialysis - removal of soluble toxic substances from the blood through semipermeable membrane. The disease is caused by deficiency antigemofil-Nogo globulin (8 clotting factor) - hemophilia A or plasma component trymboplastina (9 factors) - Hemophilia airmobile etc. Archoptosis - fallout from the back passage of all or part rectum with the weakening of pelvic floor muscle tone, svyazaonogo apparatus of the rectum and anal sphincter. Gastritis - the defeat of the gastric mucosa with a predominantly inflammatory changes Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea acute development process and the phenomena it restructuring with progressive atrophy in chronic flow. Ganglionevroma - a benign tumor consisting of mature ganglion neurons, scattered singly airmobile in groups in a relatively highly developed and dense stroma of collagen fibers, usually found in the posterior mediastinum and retroperitoneal space, sometimes airmobile with the adrenal glands.

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