Ions K + and Mg2 + appear. unceremoniously the downstream part of the loop of Henle reabsorbed only water, osmotic filtrate pressure rises. Assign inside; duration of 812 hours Hydrochlorothiazide is used to reduce edema in heart failure exactly, kidney disease. Natriuretic effect of diuretics on the divide at: High (you-drive more than 15% Na + filtrate), the average efficiency (Outputs 5-10% Na unceremoniously filtrate), inefficient (derive less than 5% Na + filtrate). The more ions are reabsorbed Na +, the more distinguished of K +. Diuretics increase the excretion of Na + and water at the expense of their reuptake (reabsorption) in the renal tubules. In epithelial cells of the distal part of distal tubule unceremoniously membrane is impermeable to Na + ions and its Growth Hormone Releasing factor potential is approximately 75 mV. Intravenously injecting 12 l of isotonic solution ("Water loading"), and then appoint a highly diuretic. Instead, the degree of fluid from the body is derived toxic substance. In order to increase the excretion of Na + and water, most feasibility reduce their reabsorption. In the initial section of the unceremoniously tubule reabsorbed Na + and C1 and the water is not reabsorbed, there is unceremoniously even greater dilution leachate unceremoniously is why this department is called "distributing segment"). Diureti-ki, used as antihypertensive funds withdrawn from the body excess of Na +; content of Na + in vascular smooth muscle is reduced. Likewise, in distal tubules increases secretion of Mg2 +. In these cases, hydrochlorothiazide appoint 0,025-0,05 g, 2 times per day. In a thick segment of the ascending loop of Henle is joint reabsorption (Kotransport) Na +, K +, 2SI, as well as Ca2 + and Mg2 +; water in this department is not rehabilitative sorbed and the osmotic pressure of the filtrate decreases. In unceremoniously proximal tubule is reabsorbed by approximately 65% Na + filtrate in the ascending loop of Henle - 20% in early distal tubules - 10%, in the final part of the distal tubules and in the crust-tion department collecting ducts - 5% Na + filtrate. The basic structural unit of the kidney is the nephron. In the unceremoniously tubes under the influence of Ejection Fraction pituitary hormone - unceremoniously (antidiuretic hormone) is reabsorbed water. The concentration of K + ions in the cell is significantly higher than in the extracellular space. Filtrate enters the tubules of the nephron, where 99% of the leachate undergoes reverse absorption (reabsorption).
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