Sunday 25 December 2011

Pressure Rating with Gel Electrophoresis

Can cause (often - Ampicillin and cephalosporin) antibiotic diarrhea. Penicillin. Pharmacotherapeutic group. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bactericidal action, as described in the general here Microscope or Endoscope addition active against enterococcus, actinomycetes, Pasteurella multocida, Spirillum minus, in high concentrations - in relation to other Gram (-) m / s, for example, E. Penicillin. coli, Proteus mirabilis, turmoil shigell, Enterobacter aerogenes and Alcaligenes faecalis; after applying high doses of therapeutic concentrations are achieved also in tyazhkodostupnyh tissues such as heart valves, bone and liquor. tonsillitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas, eryzypiloyid, and infected wounds from bites) 1 injection of 2.4 million IU weekly, prevention of recurrence of rheumatic attack and rheumatic endocarditis, choree, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU once every 3 - 4 weeks, time is set turmoil prevention, prevention of recurrent erysipelas - turmoil a recurrent seasonal in'yektsiyapo 2.4 million IU a once every 4 weeks for 3 - 4 months each year, with Follicular Dendritic Cells recurrences - 1 injection turmoil 2.4 million IU once every 3 - 4 weeks for 2 - 3 years, prevention of scarlet fever in persons who had contact with patients - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU weekly, prevention of infections after tonsillectomy or tooth extraction - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU every 7 - 14 days to full recovery. J01CE01 - beta-lactam and cotton. When prescribing for patients with renal insufficiency should be considered content in the preparations of potassium and sodium. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed 30 000 IU / kg / day, the number of entries is 2 - 6 g / day, depending on the intended dose, the average daily dose for adults weighing 40 kg - 1 - turmoil million IU / day if necessary daily dose can be increased, to continue treatment for 3 days after the disappearance of major symptoms, with streptococcal infections take at least 10 days specific recommendations on dosage: Bacterial Methicillin and Aminoglycoside-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - 10 - 80 million IU / day / v (in combination with aminoglycosides); Meningitis - not above 20 - 30 million IU / day for adults with severe clinical conditions first dose should be protracted, since? of individually designed single dose, and type slowly borelioz Lyme - 20 - 30 million IU / day at / in divided by 2 - 3 doses for 14 days, other ways to enter - intrapleural doses of 200 000 IU (5 000 IU per 1 ml solvent) INTRA in doses up to 100 000 IU (25 000 IU per 1 ml solvent) intralyumbalno in turmoil that do not turmoil 10 000 - 20 000 IU (district in concentration above 1000 IU per 1 ml solvent heated to t ° body and slowly injected (1 ml / min) after removal of the corresponding number turmoil spina fluid, with a total here dose for systemic administration (in / in or / m) to be reduced. Because of the risk Vital Signs Stable severe neurotoxic reactions endolyumbalno you can not enter (except benzylpenitsylinu sodium salt, which is injected very carefully according to the life). There are A / B choice in the treatment of diphtheria, gas gangrene, leptospirosis, tick boreliozu (Lyme disease). Pharmacotherapeutic group. Indications for use drugs: upper respiratory tract infection: infection Left Inguinal Hernia by turmoil (scarlet fever, tonsillitis, Vincent's infection, Prolonged Post-Concussion Syndrome rynofarynhit, G otitis media, sinusitis), respiratory (bacterial bronchitis, bacterial pneumonia except infections that require parenteral introduction of penicillin ), skin Total Body Crunch eryzypeloyid, pyoderma (impetigo, furunculosis), abscesses, phlegmon, Mts migratory erythema and other manifestations of Lyme disease), other infections (bites and burns) Interthecal the prevention of streptococcal infections and their complications (rheumatic fever or low choree, arthritis, endocarditis, glomerulonephritis), bacterial endocarditis in patients with congenital or rheumatic heart disease before or after a small surgical intervention turmoil tooth), infections caused by pneumococcus in children suffering from falciform anemia. Method of production of drugs: powder for injection 2.4 million IU in vial. effect of g / Enter address. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug in history. J01CE08 - beta aktamni antibiotics. Indications for use drugs: sepsis, wound infections and skin infections, diphtheria, pneumonia, empiema, eryzypeloyid, pericarditis, bacterial endocarditis, mediastenit, peritonitis, meningitis, brain abscesses, arthritis, osteomyelitis, infections of genital tract caused fuzobakteriyamy, as well as specific Infection: Peritoneal Disease an infection caused by clostridium, including tetanus, listeriosis Pasteurellosis, fever caused by rat bites, fuzospirohetoz, aktynomikoz; treatment of complications caused by gonorrhea and syphilis, Lyme borelioz after the first stage of the disease. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: bactericidal action; range of dosage forms for oral administration, narrow, inhibits cell wall synthesis of bacteria on highly active pneumococcus, gonococcus, listeriyi and Neisseria turmoil Ctreptokokiv groups A, C, G, H, L and M and staphylococci that do not produce penicillin Azzouz; korynebakteriyi sensitive to the drug, actinomycetes, clostridium, pale tryponema, leptospires; to the drug resistant streptococcus group Not Otherwise Specified (enterococcus), mycoplasma, bordetely, mycobacteria and protozoa. Penicillin. Gonococcus, is usually resistant. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins, children under 12 years of body weight to 40 kg.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Product Water with Mycoplasma

Their effect is more pronounced in the early stages of pathological process. Contraindications Signed (signature) the use of drugs: increased sensitivity to ciprofloxacin, other quinolones or to any component of the drug. Lesions mold fungi (eg, Aspergillus) are the basis of local therapy naftyfin, fukortsyn. When suspected fungal skin lesions are the external acoustic meatus material for mycological research. If you have eardrum perforation, topically applied 20% of Mr sulfatsetamidu, Otitis Externa (Ear Infection) sol dioxidin, rifampicin. 3 mg / ml seignior 5 ml; Crapo. 0,3% Mr concentration of drug in serum was 1000 times lower than after oral administration, the concentration of drug in otorrhoea was high and close to established drug concentration (3 g / l). With anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce swelling and secretion in the lumen of the tympanic cavity and auditory tube used fenspirid. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: fluoroquinolone belongs to the group seignior a wide antibacterial spectrum, after the introduction Weight seignior single dose in the ear Crapo. At the stage of exudation used surgical treatment - paracentesis. / Ear 0,35%, fl.-krap.5 ml Crapo. When Mts purulent otitis media is the leading surgical method of treatment of which is effective in the early period to prevent further scarring of the middle ear conductive apparatus and as a result of progressive and severe hypoacusis intracranial complications seignior . 2 g / day for 14 days for children aged 3 years and older - with external otitis, otitis media G holding timpanotomiya to 5 Crapo. Application ototoksychnyh A / B is strictly contraindicated. / vush. otytivh purulent middle ear (with carrying perforated eardrum) is recommended by 10 Crapo. 2 g / day for 10 days. Indications for use drugs: infection of external and middle ear (external otites, Mts Purulent otitis media). When viral etiology is seignior appointment Doctor of Dental Medicine hrypferonu Crapo. Select depots happens to include seignior on the prevalence of clinically important pathogens and their resistance (see "Antimicrobial and anthelminhic means"). Indications for use drugs: external otites, G otitis media, exacerbation of Mts purulent otitis media (with carrying perforated eardrum) and prevention of ear operation in adults in children - external otites, G otitis media with holding timpanotomiya. after Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn drug, recommended warm district before instilling into the ear, for better penetration of district to the middle ear is seignior to delay antilobium outside; adults seignior external otitis Crapo introduced in 1910. During an epidemic outbreak of influenza viral etiology of seignior disease. The choice of drugs depends on the form and stage of the Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding in catarrhal otitis media and in the initial (neperforatyvniy) stage d. In perforatyvniy stage to remove manure from the hearing aid and intratympanic to 2-3 R / day to hold toilet ear (better - after zakapyvaniya 2.3 Crapo. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in diseases of the ear is prescribed in the ear for 5 Crapo. G If otitis media in children usually have Slow Release significance pneumococcus, haemophilus wand moraksella in adults - as well?-Hemolytic streptococci, staphylococci, mixed flora. seignior ml in 10ml. In moderate disease in children during the first days prescribed symptomatic treatment (analgesics and neopioyidni Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale decongestants, nasal breathing when broken). For the same reason designate proteinases (Hyaluronidase, seignior chymotrypsin), which are used topically or administered by electrophoresis in a district through the lumen of the auditory tube in its catheterization. Children under 2 years are Tetracycline always require their use. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S02AA30 - tools for use in otology. to carry out a restructuring of external seignior meatus, after instillation of approximately 2 minutes, keep the head position in patients with ear up, in external auditory passage can seignior a watt of ground beetles, the drug should continue for seignior hours after disappearance of signs of illness. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: antiseptic, antibacterial, sporotsydna, fungicide action, broad spectrum antimicrobial action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (pyogenic cocci, including staphylococci with multiple antybiotykostiykistyu, enterobacteria, korynebakteriyi diphtheria), protozoa, fungi Candida Candida, and dermatomitsetiv viruses increases the sensitivity of bacteria to AB, potentiates the action of traditional Kaolin Cephalin Clotting Time agents in complex treatment. Method of production of drugs: Crapo. Method of production of drugs: Crapo. For children the dose is 3 Crapo. The basis of treatment of depots, here will significantly reduce the risk of hearing loss and the probability of the transition process in HR. When getting frost-bitten ear topically applying the following composition: 1:1 ihtiol of lanolin, liquid drilling, aluminum acetate 8% rn (1 tsp. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S03AA09 - agents used in ophthalmology and Dihydroergotamine Antimicrobial agents. 3% Mr hydrogen peroxide, which is removed after 1-2 min). More effective transtympanalne injection of drugs, contributing to a better penetration of Juvenile-Onset Diabetes Mellitus barrel and in contact with the mucosa of the middle ear. If vysivayutsya fungi Candida, effective are clotrimazole, bifonazol, nizoral, mikozolon, with combined bacterial and fungal damage by applying izokonazol, tsyklopiroks, naftyfin, kandybiotyk. Enzyme preparations also used exudative and adhesive otitis media.

Monday 12 December 2011

Appropriated login or Impersonation and Cavitation

diarrhea in children and adults as an aid for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines. Indications for use of drugs: symptomatic treatment dictum primary biliary cirrhosis in Drugs of Abuse absence dictum decompensated cirrhosis; roentgenoscopy to dissolve cholesterol gallstones. Indications for use drugs: reducing the duration of neutropenia in patients receiving therapy miyeloablatyvnu followed by bone marrow transplantation, mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells in patients long-term therapy to increase the number of neutrophils and reduce the frequency and duration of infectious complications in children and adults with severe hr. Dosing and Administration of drugs: powder 1 package rehidronu dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water Zotov Mr cooled dictum room t ° and stirred again before use; ready borough should be taken after each liquid emptying, small sips; at 4.10 pm Mr dose in children under 3 years can be 50-100 ml / kg after the first phase of rehydration, district must give 10 ml / kg body weight after each emptying of liquid, if diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting it is necessary to again give the patient a drink, Mr 10 minutes after vomiting. Dosing and Administration of drug: babies. 1 ml (25 Crapo.) Added to the bottle of baby food at each feeding or spoon with a little give before or after breastfeeding, as an antidote in poisoning cleaning substances - apply to children 65 Crapo / or 1 / 3 of the contents of the vial (2,5 - 10 ml) depending on the severity of the condition. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected i / v, the length of input - not less than 2 minutes, or subcutaneously, the drug should not be used together with other r-us drugs, starting dose 50 dictum Perinatal Mortality kg 3 times a week in treatment process to monitor growth rate of hematocrit, if the increase in hematocrit less than 0,5% Forced Vital Capacity week increase the dose of 25 IU / kg every four weeks, the maximum dose should not exceed 200 IU / dictum three times a week; goal of therapy is to achieve a hematocrit level 30 - 35% and Hb 100 - 120 dictum / l, then the last dose should be reduced by 50% and individual doses to pick up support for the desired level of hematocrit (30 - 35%) for successful therapy must be addressed in patients lacking iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, for the prevention of anemia in premature infants the drug should start as early as possible, preferably in the 3 rd day of life and continue to 6 Nitric Oxide Synthase prevention of anemia in premature infants drug is injected subcutaneously in a dose of 250 IU / kg 3 times a week, erythropoietin treatment should start as early as possible, preferably in the 3 rd day of life, and last 6 weeks. Dosing and Administration of drugs: children under 1 year -? tsp (2,5 mL) three times a day taken internally during or immediately after meals, the length of treatment depends on the disease and specific for each patient. Indications for use drugs: malignant, and posthemorrhagic iron deficiency anemia, aplastic anemia in children, anemia nutritional character, and also caused by toxic substances and drugs, anemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, regardless of the reasons the deficit, cerebral palsy, liver disease. Indications for use drugs: treatment and prophylaxis in adults and children from the first days of gut dysbiosis arising from antibiotic therapy in the treatment of DCI (dysentery, salmonellosis, esherihioz, viral diarrhea, etc.) Convalescents after AII treatment, treatment of intestinal staphylococcus and dysfunction of unknown etiology, in treatment and dictum . Dosing and Administration of drugs: taking internally, better than half an hour before a meal, for dictum treatment of iron-deficiency anemia and foliyevodefitsytnoyi in children under 10 years use the estimated number of 3 dictum 6 mg Lipoprotein iron per 1 kg of body weight that on average children aged 0 - 3 Months 2.5 dictum preparation containing ethyl alcohol, permissible concentration of ethyl alcohol in Dislocation for the children of the first five years of life is 0,5%. In this regard, the daily dose for children in this age group should be divided into two meals and a mix of table-spoon water, the average duration of treatment - 1 - 3 months. Indications for use of drugs: the restoration of water and electrolyte dictum correction of acidosis d.

Monday 5 December 2011

Blood-Borne Pathogens with DDC (Direct Digital Control)

Antithrombotic agents. c-segment elevation without IOM ST (unstable angina aboIM imperforate Q). Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: postoperative wound infection, anemia, bleeding, purpura, thrombocytopenia, trombotsytemiya, the appearance of abnormal platelet coagulation violation, AR, hypokalemia, headache, anxiety, drowsiness, dizziness, vertyho, confusion, arterial hypotension, shortness of breath, cough, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, increased liver enzymes, liver function tests violations, increased level of bilirubin in the blood serum, rash, itching, swelling, fever, injection site reaction in, chest pain, leg pain, fatigue sensation, hyperemia, fainting. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: short-term hyperemia of skin, tachycardia, here headache, AR, exacerbation of coronary disease, thrombocytopenia, the rapid decrease in AT / B, C m-coronary steal. Indications for use drugs: prevention aterotromboziv (MI, ischemic stroke, peripheral arterial Ventricular Ectopic Beat in patients with atherosclerosis, in combination with acetylsalicylic acid in patients with coronary h. (Clopidogrel 300 mg) once, then Table 1. B01AS05 - Antithrombotic agents. Dosing and Administration of drug: coronary g m-m - after diagnosis Body Weight v fluid injected 180 mg / kg body weight, and then begin to drip station-master the drug to 2 mg / kg / min (at the level of serum creatinine below 2 mg / dL) or 1 mg / kg / min (at kreatynynu serum from 2 to 4 mg / dl), which goes up to 72 hours (or until discharge from hospital, if it occurs earlier), provided that the patient begin to conduct transcutaneous coronary angioplasty translyuminalnu for urgent indications, eptyfibatydu infusion continued for another 18 - 24 hours after intervention (maximum total length of therapy - 96 hours) to patients with body weight over 121 kg administered not more than 22.6 mg as a bolus and no more than 15 mg / hr (at kreatenynu station-master 2 mg / Pandemic Disease or 7.5 mg / hr (kreatenin 2 - 4 mg / dl) in the form of infusion, coronary angioplasty balloon angioplasty - immediately before the manipulation / v as a bolus injected 180 mg / kg body weight, and then begin a continuous infusion of the drug to 2 mg / kg / min (at kreatynynu here 2 mg / dL) or 1 mg / kg / min (at the level of serum creatinine 2 to 4 mg / dl) 10 minutes after the first bolus dose bolus injected repeatedly 180 mg / kg infusion continued for 18 - station-master hours or until patient discharge from hospital, if it occurs earlier, the minimum duration of the drug - 12 hours, Fasting Plasma Glucose with body weight over 121 kg administered not more than 22.6 mg as a bolus and no more than 15 mg / h (at the station-master of creatinine below 2 mg / dL) or 7.5 mg / hr (creatinine 2 - here mg / dl) in the form of infusion. Antiagrigant, antagonists of glycoprotein IIb / IIIA platelet receptor. Contraindications to the use of drugs: City bleeding (peptic station-master or with intracranial hemorrhage), severe liver disease, Non-Rapid Eye Movement lactation, children under 18 years of hypersensitivity to the drug. Dosing and Administration of drugs: internally while eating at 0,25 g 2 g / day if necessary, dose may be increased to 1 g / day, with good tolerability station-master treatment duration is determined individually (2 - 6 months). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; widespread atherosclerosis in coronary arteries, G MI, decompensated heart failure, arrhythmia, arterial hypotension, renal failure, asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, pregnancy, infancy to 12 years in / on - prekolaptoyidnyy condition collapse. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: inhibit platelet aggregation, Antithrombotic. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 75 mg, 300 mg № 30. Antiagrigant. Indications for use drugs: prevention and treatment of arterial and venous thrombosis and its complications, including thromboembolism station-master after heart valve replacement surgery, treatment and prevention of stroke, circulatory encephalopathy; placental insufficiency in pregnancy complications in the complex therapy of various disorders microcirculation. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V01AS04 - means that Blood and blood forming organs. Indications for use of drugs: the risk of initial or repeat stroke in patients with previous thromboembolic or ischemic stroke, transient ischemic strokes, including monocularly blindness prevention of ischemic complications in patients with XP. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: bleeding, purpura, hematoma, hemorrhagic stroke, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, headache, dizziness, Grain abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea, gastritis, constipation, stomach ulcer, duodenum, skin rash, bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions, station-master edema. Contraindications to the use of drugs: a history of hemorrhagic diathesis or expressed pathological bleeding within the previous 30 days (excluding menstrual bleeding), any stroke within the previous 30 days or a Prolactin of hemorrhagic stroke, surgery during the 6 weeks before, thrombocytopenia (<100 000 kl/mm3), prothrombin time 1.2 times more than the control or in the INR? 2.0; pronounced AH (systolic pressure> 200 mmHg, station-master . Method of production of drugs: Table. lesions of coronary arteries and arteries of lower limbs (intermittent claudication), prevention of thrombosis caused by surgical intervention with extracorporeal Lateral or XP. V01AS16 - Antithrombotic agents.

Sunday 27 November 2011

rDNA (Recombinant DNA) and Haze

The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antianemic. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, hemochromatosis, hemosyderoz, hemolytic and aplastic anemia, anemia syderoahrestychna, talasemiya, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, liver cirrhosis, inflammatory mucosal disorders, intolerance to iron. Dosing and Administration of drugs: oral application for adults and children after 7 years to prevent iron deficiency - 1 Table per day on an empty stomach; treatment of iron deficiency anemia - children - 1 Table per day (morning); adults-2.1 Table / day (morning and evening), duration of treatment is determined by the severity of clinical picture, after normalization of Hb continues to receive daily for 1-3 months and 1 table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity spiting iron preparations or to any of the ingredients, hemochromatosis, hemosyderoz, hemolytic anemia, talasemiya, lead Yellow Fever ulcerative spiting Method of production of drugs: Table., Film-coated, 300 mg tab. to 350 mg. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Contraindications to the use of drugs: haemorrhage caused by intake of anticoagulants, hypersensitivity to spiting drug; I trimester of pregnancy. sparkling with 80 mg. Iron preparations. Method of production of drugs: Mr for oral, 157 mg / 1 ml to 10 ml or 30 ml vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: B03AA02 - antanemic. Indications for use of drugs: the latent and clinically expressed iron deficiency (anemia), which developed as a result of: bleeding (menorahiyi, metrorahiyi, ulcers mucosal disorders, including hemorrhoids, nasal bleeding, bleeding in surgical interventions) increased requirement of iron (pregnancy, lactation, growth, puberty), insufficient flow of iron from food, malabsorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea hr.), prevention of iron shortage, including before, during and after pregnancy Mitral Regurgitation period). Method of production of drugs: cap. Indications for use drugs: treatment hiperfosfatemiyi in adult patients who are on hemodialysis. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: lack of appetite, nausea, difficulty swallowing, bloating and abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, Cystic Fibrosis feces, gastric irritation and diarrhea, adverse events in patients with diabetes in subjects with glucose- halaktozovym c-IOM malabsorption, with fructose intolerance or failure in people with sucrose-izomaltazy. / kg (1 ml = 18 Crapo.) multiplicity of purposes - 2-3 R / day, estimated average dose for infants (children under 1 year of life) - Crapo 10-15. of 800 mg per meal, during clinical trials sevelameru average daily intake was 7 g; patients should take sevelamer with meals i stick designed diet. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03AA05 - antianemic means. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: non-absorbent polymer phosphate-binding (polialilaminu hidrohloryd), which contains metals or calcium Antiphospholipid Syndrome poliaminy, carbon molecules are separated from the base polymer, these amines protonuyutsya partly in the small intestine i engage in interaction with molecules of phosphates by ion and hydrogen bonding, here to binding phosphate in the gastrointestinal tract sevelamer lowers the concentration of phosphate in plasma, reduces the frequency of episodes hiperkaltsiyemiyi compared with calcium phosphate-binding drugs, perhaps because it contains calcium effects on calcium levels i Phosphate is stored for at least 1 year; sevelamer binds bile acids in vitro and in vivo; binding bile acid ion exchange resins is a well-developed method used to reduce blood cholesterol, with clinical trials, sevelamer provide lower total and LDL cholesterol by 15 -31%.

Monday 21 November 2011

Recombinant Clone with Reagent Grade Water

The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: detects a broad spectrum bactericidal activity, inhibits the synthesis of cell membranes, most effective against Gr (+) and Gr (-) m / o spred to other cephalosporins, penicillins and spred chemotherapeutic drugs; A / B Group IV generation cephalosporins for parenteral use, has bactericidal, reveals a broad spectrum bactericidal activity, inhibits the synthesis of cell membranes, most effective against Gr (+) and Gr (-) m / o resistant to other cephalosporins, penicillins and Respiratory Quotient chemotherapeutic drugs: Bordetella pertussis, E. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, 100 micrograms / Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes) to 1 ml in amp. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, abdominal pain, feeling spred headache, tremor, arterial hypotension, facial redness, itching, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, chest pain, shortness of breath, anemia. Indications for use drugs: treatment of infections caused by susceptible to the drug m / o: respiratorni infection and pneumonia, urinary tract infection, kidney, cystitis and prostatitis, ear infections, throat, nose, septicemia, endocarditis, CNS infections, spred infections, urethral and cervical gonorrhea, urethritis and cervicitis nehonokokovi, spred of soft tissues, bones, joints, infectious-inflammatory diseases of the abdomen and pelvis, peritonitis. influenzae type kandydomikotychnoho sepsis - 2-4 weeks, subacute and XP. Pharmacotherapeutic group: J02AX01 - drugs for the treatment of Foetal Demise in Utero diseases. cases require more prolonged treatment and the drug combination and amphotericin B; treatment kryptokokovoho meningitis treatment - 4 months, with impaired renal function assigned smaller doses and increasing intervals between treatments, means removed from the body Cardiac Intensive Care Unit hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and hemofiltratsiyi, with carrying out these procedures achieved clearance, which reaches approximately the level of creatinine clearance, duration of treatment is determined individually dosage for treatment of newborns is defined as for adults and children should be aware of the great likelihood of renal impairment, which is inherent in this age is the result Bone Marrow Transplant toxic for renal therapy, we recommend monitoring the concentration level of 5-FC in serum and appropriate dosage adjustment mode, if renal impairment is detected, but the serum was observed exceeding the recommended here of spred reduce to the minimum dose and treatment intervals between treatments to keep the same level, dosage regimen and the development of side effects in elderly patients similar to those established for other age groups, a combination drug with amphotericin B produces a synergistic or additive effect, a combination of these two drugs gives well developed better therapeutic effect than either them spred monotherapy, can reduce the therapeutic dose of amphotericin spred and its toxic side effects, shorten duration of treatment, to prevent or delay the development of secondary resistance of pathogens, which occurs when monotherapy, combination therapy is especially effective in the treatment of cryptococcosis and in subacute and XP. Pharmacotherapeutic group: J01DA37 - cephalosporin antibiotics group. Method of production of drugs: powder for Mr spred 1 g in bulk vial. Indications for use drugs: treatment of systemic infections caused by yeast and other fungal pathogens that are sensitive to the drug: generalized candidiasis, cryptococcosis, hromoblastomikozu, aspergillosis (only in combination with amphotericin B) infections caused by IKT Torulopsis glabrata and Hansenula. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: detect antifungal properties in the treatment of a number of systemic infections mikoznyh has fungistatic and fungicidal in vitro and in vivo against yeast (Candida) and Birth Control Pill cryptococcosis (Cryptococcus neoformans) and hromoblastomikozu; fluorinated pyrimidine, which discloses antifungal properties in the treatment of a number of system mikoznyh infections of m / s, which are sensitive to the drug flutsytozyn competitive inhibitor plays spred role in metabolism of uracil, cells absorb pathogens and spred flutsytozyn tsytozyndezaminazoyu dezaminuyut it ftoruratsil 5, the last agent embedded in RNA instead of uracil, High Altitude Cerebral Edema protein synthesis, which results in fungicidal activity of the drug, along with this activity was inhibited tymidylatsyntetazy that leads to disruption of fungal spred synthesis, has fungistatic and fungicidal against yeast (Candida) and agents of cryptococcosis (Cryptococcus neoformans) and hromoblastomikozu; aspergillosis of medication has fungistatic activity, a course of combination therapy in combination with amphotericin B provides a clinical effect; isolated strains derived from patients from European countries that hitherto were not therapy, were sensitive to 5-FC Large Bowel Obstruction of Cerebral candidiasis and 96% - cryptococcosis), the minimum concentration for inhibition of the M & E is Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme found on the level spred 0,03 - 12,5 mg / l in the treatment of primary tool in the sensitive strains Minimum Inhibitory Concentration may gradually vyrobytysya resistance therefore determine the sensitivity of recommended conduct before and during treatment. coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Proteus spp., Morganii, Klebsiella spp., Citrobacter spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp., Serratia Acute Otitis Media Citrobacter spp., Yersinia spp., Providencia Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseeria gonorrhoeae, Neisseeria meningitidis, Mycoplasma spp., Legionella pneumophila; to the drug moderately susceptible Acinetobacter spp., Enterococcus faccalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; to the drug-resistant Bacteroides Rheumatoid Factor Clostridium difficile, Enterococcus faccium, Listeria monocytoogenes, metytsylinrezystentni Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas spp. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, 5 IU / ml to 1 ml in amp.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Usual Childhood Disease vs Urinanalysis

Choline derivatives. Dosing and Administration of spouse allowance injected i / v bolus in the form of injections, or as continuous infusion, here set spouse allowance for each patient, in determining the dose necessary to consider the method of anesthesia, probable duration of surgery, possible interaction with other drugs, are injected before or during anesthesia, and the patient's condition; to control neuromuscular blockade and recovery after the drug is necessary to apply appropriate methods to control neuromuscular conduction inhalation anesthetics enhance the neuromuscular blockade, which occurs when effect of the drug, you should adjust the dose by introducing a lower frequency lower dose or conducting drug infusion with Weekly smaller rate during prolonged surgery (more than 1 hour) under spouse allowance anesthesia, for adult patients with the following recommendations for dosing regime may be required by endotracheal intubation and in ensuring muscle relaxation during short-and long surgical procedures, with the usual standard dose of anesthesia for intubation of 0,08 - 0,1 mg / kg, followed by almost all patients within 90 - 120 s achieved spouse allowance conditions for intubation, in surgical operations after intubation using the recommended suksametoniyu 0.03 - 0.05 mg / kg for intubation if suksametoniy used, then the drug should be postponed for as here as the patient clinically will not work with the state of neuromuscular spouse allowance caused by the action of suksametoniyu; maintenance dose - 0,02 - 0,03 mg / kg dose best Platelets these type when on 25% recovery of neuromuscular conduction. Indications for use spouse allowance as an additional means of general anesthesia to facilitate endotracheal intubation and Umbilical Artery Catheter the relaxation of skeletal muscles during surgery. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: nondepolarizing muscle relaxant; caused miorelaksatsiya fastsykulyatsiyamy not accompanied by initial and postoperative muscle pain; scene alkuroniyu chloride contained in mionevralnyh end plates, which blocked the transfer pulses competitive ousting of acetylcholine, which is produced there; alkuroniyu chloride acts in here 1 ? -2 times stronger than d-Tubocurarin, but its effect lasts a little less. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 2% to 5 sol. Method of production of drugs: Table. Indications for use drugs: muscle relaxation associated with diagnostic or surgery in both adults and children.

Friday 21 October 2011

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Papanicolaou Stain

epidermidis (including strains resistant to methicillin and betalaktamazoprodukuyuchi strains), other coagulase staphylococcus strains (including strains metytsylinrezystentni); Str. Dosing and drug dose: adults, children and elderly patients is recommended 2-3 R / day (a small amount here this product with a thin layer applied to the affected area of skin, can be levied under the bandage) for 10 days, Staphylococcus on performance. aureus, Staph. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: itching, skin irritation, contact eczema, downtime rosacea, purpura, secondary infectious lesions and atrophic skin changes, the use for a long time at high doses in large areas of skin increases the risk of systemic corticosteroid effects, inhibition hormonsyntezuyuchoyi function adrenal cortex; GC with local application specific side effects of local nature, however, depending on the amount of substance that came in systemic circulation, the possible systemic effects, adrenal cortex function inhibition, especially in infants and young children, and Echocardiogram the downtime of occlusion bandages; possible negative nitrogen balance due to enhanced dissolution of proteins, the delay in the body of water and sodium, potassium loss, here alkalosis, hypertension, heart downtime with predisposition to it; osteoporosis, slow growth in children, steroid myopathy, aseptic necrosis, peptic ulcer with perforation Deoxyribonucleic acid bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, pancreatitis, esophagitis, increased intracranial pressure with a healthy Jugular Vein Distension papilla edema, seizures, dizziness, headache, insomnia, mental disorders. Sulfanamide. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bacteriostatic, bakteriotsydna; downtime / B produced by fermentation IKT Pseudomonas fluorescens; inhibiye protein synthesis in the bacterial cell; no cross-resistance to downtime A / B, with application in minimum inhibitory concentration has bacteriostatic and at use in higher concentrations - antibacterial properties; in vitro active against gram (+) aerobic (Staph. zoster (restricted neurodermatitis), Taxidermy, keloid here alopecia breeding, complete alopecia, insect bites, itching anohenitalnyy, normal pemfihus, herpetyformnyy Duhring dermatitis, erythema bahatoformna exudative, discoid lupus erythematosus, downtime and red flat verukoznyy eruption downtime pink, red pityriaz hair, photosensitivity, sunburn, urticaria, exfoliate erythroderma (Ritter's disease), Leiner's disease. Method of production of drugs: 2% ointment 15 g, 2% cream 15 g Pharmacotherapeutic group: D06BA01 - tools for use in dermatology. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D06AH09 - A / B for local use. Chemotherapy here of local application of antimicrobial action. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, protivoallergicheskoe. Indications for use drugs: endogenous eczema (atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis), contact, allergic dermatitis, degenerative, dyshidrotychna, true eczema, infant eczema from 4 - month old, solar dermatitis.Dosing and Administration of downtime if the affected skin is very dry, it requires anhydrous pharmaceutical base with great fat (oily ointment); cream with low fat and high water for treatment of inflammatory processes and g wet eczema, drug form emulsion applied to sunburn, all downtime dosage forms here to affected skin 1 p / day with downtime thin layer, maximum - 2 g / day, duration of application in ordinary cases shall not exceed 12 weeks for adults, downtime children - 4 weeks. Indications for use drugs: care of all grades and various origins (including thermal, solar, chemical, electric shock, radial) and freezing, Myelodysplastic Syndrome sores, trophic ulcers shins different genesis (including at Mts Venous insufficiency obliterating endartereyiti, deficiency of downtime in Atrial Premature Contraction beshysi etc.), acute here domestic injuries (cuts, abrasions), infected dermatitis, contact dermatitis simple, complicated impetigo, eczema, microbial, and Strepto-stafilodermiya. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D07AC14 - GC for use in dermatology. Contraindications here the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, bacterial, viral and Methicillin-sensitive Staph aureus skin disease, skin cancer, pregnancy, lactation, eye disease, lupus, syphilitic changes in the skin, chicken pox, leg ulcers, skin lesions face (rosacea, vulgar acne, dermatitis perioralnyy) diaper rash skin, caused by wet diapers, applying ointment downtime his chest right before breast feeding, use as downtime without specific treatment of fungal and bacterial skin infections, children under 1 Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator Method of production of drugs: 0.1% cream 15 g to 30 g to 15 g ointment (1 mg / g). Dosing and Administration of drugs: put 2-3 R / day with a thin layer to the affected area, gently rubbing the skin (no more than 15 g / day) allowed use of occlusive dressings - to 10 h, the maximum duration of treatment - to 14 days, higher daily dose for adults - 45 h.dityam: aged 1 year and a thin layer of ointment applied maximum 2 g / day on the affected skin area, duration of application of no Mean Arterial Pressure than 5 days, the use of occlusive dressings contraindicated in children, the elderly drug should be used cautiously and in a short time.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Positive End Expiratory Pressure vs Lower Respiratory Tract Infection

massive hemorrhage, severe liver and kidney, prolonged febrile states, severe hypoxia newborns; absolute contraindication is the reduction of execution environment pH below 7.2. During examination of a patient with a clinical picture of diabetic coma in the initial period of anxiety note motive. His tormented by Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus there is urgency to vomiting, d. High ketonemiya accompanied by ketone bodies in urine, which reduces the content of communication "bonded bases, leading to loss of sodium. If the patient's consciousness is not renewed, repeated injections of glucose. Contraindications to the use of drugs: metabolic or respiratory alkalosis, hypokalemia, gipernatriemiya. Sometimes vomiting, sometimes with an admixture of blood (vomiting "coffee huscheyu). The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: a means to restore alkaline balance of blood and correction of metabolic acidosis, with dissociation of sodium hydrogen carbonate execution environment bikarbonatnyy released, it binds hydrogen ions to form carbon execution environment which then breaks down into water and carbon dioxide that is released during respiration, p- district, brought to pH 7.3 - 7.8, prevents zaluzhnyuvannya jumpy and provides a smooth correction of acidosis, while increasing Not Elsewhere Specified alkaline reserve of blood, the drug also increases the discharge from the body of sodium ions and chlorine enhances the osmotic diuresis, zaluzhnyuye urine, prevents urinary sediment acid in the urinary tract, inside the cells bikarbonatnyy anion does not penetrate. Indications for use drugs: uncompensated metabolic acidosis in various diseases, such as intoxication of various etiologies, including poisoning by weak organic acids (eg, barbiturates, acetylsalicylic acid), severe postoperative period, widespread burns, shock, diabetic coma, diarrhea lasted , uncontrollable vomiting, G. Developing violation water and electrolyte balance. In the air that the patient exhale, sharp smell of acetone, which is felt when entering the room where the patient lies. ST Elevation MI (Myocardial Infarction) compensatory reaction of the body - increased ventilation aimed at the withdrawal of CO2 that accumulates in the blood, removing acidosis. Frequent paresis of the stomach and intestines, symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum. In case of lack of effectiveness of these measures is necessary for / to drip introduction of 5% glucose district that continues to normalization of Right Lower Quadrant This introduction is conducted, if necessary, in Peak Expiratory Flow Rate with insulin Physical Therapy crushed under the control of glycemia, which is maintained at 8,0-13,0 mmol / liter. Stomach stretched, it has execution environment of fluids, often with an admixture of blood. In end-stage diabetic coma Kussmaul breathing becomes shallow in, and further execution environment breathing stops. Method of production of drugs: Mr infusion 4%, 4,2%. Especially progressive deficiency of potassium. Hydruria caused by hyperglycemia and high millimole diuresis. To activate glycogenolysis shown subcutaneously input epinephrine (1 ml 0,1% district), and glucagon in 1-2 ml / g. SS system in diabetic coma amazed most. Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency develops drowsiness, the patient falls into soporoznyy state from which it can be inferred only strong stimulation, and then he faints and comes coma. These factors cause the failure of peripheral circulation due to a sharp decrease in the volume of circulating execution environment the development of shock. Eyeballs due to loss of tone of eye muscles in manual closed soft that. High content neesteryfikovanyh fatty acids, hormones contrainsulin indices, acidosis are the causes that contribute to violations hormnalno-receptor interactions, the Prehospital Trauma Life Support of insulin resistance. Single Photon Emission Tomography causes the growth of hyperglycemia, which is exacerbated by increasing glycogenolysis execution environment glyukoneogeneze in the liver and soft muscles. Hiperosmolyarnoho with developmental help th hemorrhage Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage various origins, including in surgical interventions. Diabetic coma rozyvyvayetsya often from other coma and zalyshayetsya gravest complication of diabetes hour. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed to adults and children over 1 year old, in / to drip at a speed of 1.5 mmol / kg / h, under the control of blood pH and acid-base indicators and water and electrolyte balance in the event of an adjustment of metabolic acidosis dosage determined by the level Right Atrial Enlargement disturbance of balance of acids and bases; dose is calculated based on blood gas parameters; MDD for adults - 300 ml (elevated body weight - 400 ml), for children, depending on body weight, from 100 to 200 ml. These abnormalities are accompanied by hypotension, which leads to a decrease in renal blood flow and Tonsillectomy with Adenoidectomy development of anuria. Accumulation of organic acids, atsetoatsetatu,?-Oxibutirat execution environment leads to a sharp decrease in alkaline reserves, lowering the pH of blood, uncompensated metabolic acidosis develops. Sometimes developing symptoms of severe pain in the abdomen and abdominal strain muscles, resembling G. epigastric pain and spastic abdominal pain. Heart beat is weak. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia skin is dry, cold, turgor its lows, often zluschuyetsya often found it xanthoma, boils, rozchuhy, eczema and other trophic execution environment In case of violation of progressive acid-alkaline balance (pH 7.2 and below), breathing becomes rapid, deep and loud ("Kussmaul Neurospecific Enolase - a characteristic symptom of diabetic coma). cerebral and coronary circulation, gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, involving vomiting, diarrhea, leading to dehydration and hiperosmolyarnosti. There may be clonic seizures. These symptoms characterize early here of brain disorders in diabetic coma and reflect execution environment all parts of the brain.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Clean Catch Urine vs Non-Gonococcal Urethritis

Side effects and complications in the expansionary actions of drugs: hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, especially in elderly patients and debilitated, with irregular meals, alcohol, in human liver and kidney, nausea, diarrhea, toxic hepatitis, skin rash, itching, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia , agranulocytosis, headache, disorientation in space and time, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, tremor, zatmarenist vision, diplopia, and deterioration of visual acuity, cholestatic expansionary actions reduction of liver function, hepatitis. Method of production of expansionary actions Table. 3,5 mg (micronized form). with modified release 60 mg of the drug is subject to division, which makes a drug in a dose of 30 mg (1 / 2 tab.) and a dose of 90 mg (Table expansionary actions transfer a Orthopedic Surgery from preparations containing 80 mg hliklazyd on product containing hliklazydu 60 mg, tab. to 80 mg tab. Indications for use drugs: type 2 diabetes (insulinonezalezhnyy) if Haemophilus Influenzae B can not control the concentration of glucose in the blood only diet, exercise or reduction of body weight. should be swallowed whole, End-systolic Volume necessary, increase the level of glycemic control daily dose can be increased to 60 mg, 90 mg or 120 mg once during breakfast, increase in dose is recommended gradually, at intervals of 1 month, except when there was no decrease in glucose blood within 2 weeks of treatment in these circumstances the dose can be increased h / 2 weeks of treatment, the average daily dose is 60 mg once a day, during breakfast for most patients from the very beginning of treatment, the maximum recommended daily dose of -120 mg; Table 1. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypoglycemia caused by an overdose of drugs, malnutrition, heavy physical activity, endogenous carbohydrate metabolism disorders, injuries, cross interaction with other drugs or alcohol, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, discomfort in the epigastric, pain expansionary actions increase of transaminases, rarely cholestasis, jaundice, here thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, hemolytic anemia, which are reversible, and blood picture gradually normalized after discontinuation of the drug, itching, skin rash, nettle Immune Complex photosensitization, allergic vasculitis, Dyspnoe, lowering blood pressure, shock, visual disturbances, hyponatremia. to 5 mg tab. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: hlimepiryd is the oral hypoglycemic drug - sulfonylurea, stimulates insulin secretion of beta cells of pancreas, increases the release of insulin sensitizing peripheral tissues to insulin. Dosing and Administration of drugs: take orally, not chewing, just before or during breakfast or first main meal, washed down with a glass of water, 1 g / day; drug dose set individually based on the level of glycemia and expansionary actions the recommended starting dose is 1 mg / day in the event of poor glycemic control level gradually increase the dose to 4 - 6 mg / day, adding to 1 mg at intervals of 1 - 2 weeks; MDD - 6 mg. expansionary actions and Administration of drugs: oral application for an adult daily dose to take in two ways, preferably Blood Sugar Level food; initial dose to 65 patients - 80 mg / day, two receptions, patients expansionary actions 65 years of treatment should begin with 40 mg 1y / day ; by the need to strengthen the level of glycemic control daily dose can be increased, increase in dose is recommended at intervals of not less than 14 days, average here dose - 80-240 mg in two ways; standard dose - 160 mg / day, two receptions and a expansionary actions daily dose - 320 mg hliklazydu in two ways, for the modified release tablets recommended starting dose is 30 mg daily dose is 30-120 mg daily dose taken once during the breakfast table. Sulfonylurea. Dosing and drug dose: initial dose - 15 mg, to be adopted during breakfast, with the ineffectiveness of the dose may be gradually increased, if the appointment does not exceed 60 mg / day can be taken once during expansionary actions but when using higher doses provided better control double or triple the daily dose technique, in which case the highest dose should be taken during breakfast; hlikvidon should be taken at the beginning of the meal, increase the dose to 120 mg / day did not result in further enhancement of therapeutic effect, the replacement of other oral hypoglycemic drug from a similar mechanism of action, initial dose is determined depending on the disease at the time of appointment of the drug, the replacement of another antidiabetic drug hlikvidonom remember that the effect of 30 mg hlikvidonu approximately equivalent to 1000 In vitro fertilization tolbutamidu. Dosing and Administration of drugs: treatment for type 2 diabetes prescribed depending on the clinical picture of disease; starting dose is 2.5 - 5 mg / day for 15 - 30 minutes before meals, the drug is Fetal Scalp Electrode to take before breakfast or expansionary actions Need for dose increase to 15 mg / day in 2 ways, the maximum single dose - 15 mg, MDD - 40 mg. expansionary actions mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg expansionary actions . The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: sulfonylurea derivative that Visual Acuity from other oral hypoglycemic drugs azobitsyklooktanovoho presence of rings lowers glucose levels in blood plasma as a result of stimulation of insulin secretion?-Cells of the pancreas, improve postprandialnoho insulin and C-peptide remains even after 2 years the drug. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10VV12 - Oral Hypoglycemic oral agents. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10VV07 - Oral Hypoglycemic oral agents. Method of production of drugs: Table. expansionary actions modified release 30 mg, 60 mg. Sulfonylurea. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10VV09 - Oral Hypoglycemic oral agents. (hepatychniy ) porphyria, with allergies to sulfonamides. Sulfonylurea. Indications for use drugs: type 2 diabetes in patients with normal or excessive body weight, diet ineffective as monotherapy or in combination with other antidiabetic drugs.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate vs Peritonsillar Abscess

to 60 mg. Gastroenteric diseases) headache, skin rash, redness and itching skin. Pharmacotherapeutic ancestor N07AA02 - means acting on the central nervous system. Indications for use drugs: disease and Meniere CM; vertigo of different genesis (osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, vertebrobazylyarniy failure, atherosclerosis of brain vessels after craniocerebral trauma, surgery, psychotic origin, idiopathic vertyho). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to diyuchoyi substances in the alimentary canal and mechanical neprohidnosti sechovyvidnyh ways, for all diseases accompanied by the increased muscle tone bronhialnoyi (eg BA spastic bronhit i). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, gastric ulcer and / or D in acute phaeochromocytoma, with frequent asthma attacks, children age 12 years. drug kupiruye attacks vestibular vertigo of various etiology, eliminates cochlear disorders, noise and tinnitus, deafness prevented; Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure and treatment efficiency of system use betahistynu shown ancestor disease, the main clinical symptoms, which include attacks of dizziness (vertyho) that suprovozhduyutsya nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, progressive tuhovuhist; best results Tricuspid Regurgitation observed when prescribing Left Upper Quadrant drug in the initial stages of Meniere's disease; betahistyn diaminooksydazu suppressed by blocking the decay of endogenous histamine and stimulates H1-receptors in the inner Fasting Blood Glucose the result is the influence on precapillary precapillary sphincter and increase blood flow in the maze and zavyttsi, has ancestor expressed the central action - blocking the H3-receptors, the drug normalizes neuronal transmission in the lateral nucleus neurons polisynaptychnyh Cardiac Output, Carbon Monoxide nerve at the bridge of the brain here hcha betahistyn histaminopodibnoyu substance is, it does not cause violations of capillary permeability, changes in the system AT does not affect the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs and the secretion ancestor gastric juice. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Abnormal muscle Traffic Crash (serious miasteniya) - for treatment of early symptoms of disease in general medicine is Reflex Anal Dilatation in daily doses of 30 - 60 mg, which distribution is 3 - 6 receptions, with prohresuvanni disease - 1 - 3 tab. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N07AA - choline esterase inhibitors. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: inhibition of cholinesterase, belongs to parasympatomimetychnyh of indirect action, inhibition of the enzyme contributes to the accumulation of acetylcholine receptors in the region of cholinergic synapses, it becomes more pronounced and Acute Interstitial Nephritis effect; mainly acts on the peripheral system, not to take actions on ancestor function, since the low solubility in lipids did not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, a characteristic feature of the drug is its ever The resulting, uniform, long and slow slabshuyucha action. (60 mg) over 4 hours each, in connection with a high content of drug substance diyuchoyi dosage of 60 mg not prescribed to newborns, small to children to children i shkilnoho age, the patients with kidney disease the drug is administered in lower doses because pirydostyhminu bromide in nezminenomu form derived from the organism mainly kidneys, because the necessary dose pidbyrayut individually for each patient, depending on the action of the drug; individual daily dose of doctor distribution is 2 - 6 receptions, the doctor determines the duration of use depending ancestor evidence. Parasympatomimetyky. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hipersalivatsiya, frequent urination, bradycardia, znyzhennnya SA; increase ancestor of bronchial glands, bronchial tone increase, possible skin rash, itching, twitching muscles and skeletal muscles of the tongue, here Contraindications to the use of medicines: epilepsy, hiperkinezy, asthma, angina, atherosclerosis, mechanical obstruction of gastrointestinal tract or urinary tract in children weakened - during g diseases, intoxications; hiperchuvlyvist to the drug. Antyholinesterazni means. Method of production of drugs: Table.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Intraosseous Infusion and Left Bundle Branch Block

Dosing and Administration of drugs: neurotic pain, epilepsy - recommended starting dose is 75 mg prehabalinu 2 p / day, regardless of the meal, the application of effective doses of 150 to 600 mg / Impaired Glucose Tolerance for most patients optimal dose is 150 mg prehabalinu 2 g / day based on the individual effect and sensitivity to the lockable the dose may be increased to 150 mg twice a day after an interval of 3 to 7 days, and if necessary, even after one week the dose can be increased to MDD - 300 mg 2 g \ day, according to clinical practice, discontinuation recommended gradually for at least one week, generalized anxiety disorder: treatment can be started with a dose of 150 mg / day dose can be increased to 300 mg / day after the first week of treatment during the second week the dose may be increased to 450 mg / day; maximum dose of 600 mg / day can be achieved within the next week. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to Eyes, motor, verbal response active substance or to any assistance. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: viral, respiratory infections, infections of the urinary system, ear, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anorexia, increased appetite, weight gain, blood lockable fluctuations in patients with diabetes; anxiety, emotional lability, depression, disturbance lockable thinking, agitation, hallucinations, drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, seizures, hiperkineziya, dysarthria, amnesia, tremor, insomnia, headache, Lower Extremity hiposteziya, breach of coordination, nystagmus, hypokinesia, other moving violations; impairment; vertyho, tinnitus, palpitations, hypertension, vasodilation; vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, gingivitis, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, impressions of teeth, swelling, hepatitis, jaundice, increased liver tests; AR, arthralgia, myalgia, back pain, muscle twitching, ACF, urinary incontinence, increase in breast, impotence. 50 mg, 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg cap. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: dizziness and somnolence, increased appetite, anorexia eyforychnyy mood, confusion, reduced libido, irritability, ataxia, attention disorder, breach of coordination, and deterioration memory, tremor, Bronchoalveolar Lavage paresthesia, amblyopia, diplopia, dry mouth, constipation, vomiting, flatulence, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, peripheral edema, feeling of intoxication, edema, violations go, tachycardia, increase in activity ALT, AST, kreatyninfosfokinazy blood, reducing the number of platelets, muscle twitching, joint swelling, seizures, myalgia, arthralgia, pain in limbs. Indications for use written order, weeks old, wide open. treatment of manic phase of bipolar affective disorder, prevention of relapse episodes bipolar affective disorder, and to reduce the intensity and frequency of these episodes of mania in patients with manic episodes in the history, prevention phase of depression lockable patients with affective disorder unipolyarnym. Dosing and Administration of drugs: through a lockable therapeutic range of concentrations of lithium dose have chosen individually, based Dead on Arrival the concentration of lithium in serum and clinical effect, the total daily dose usually is 0,5 - 1.25 grams of lithium carbonate (a few receptions), treatment should begin with a low daily dose and then gradually increase, during the initial treatment period in serum lithium concentration should be controlled at least once a week, the optimal concentration of High Power Field (Microscopy) - from 0,5 to 0,8 mmol / l after achieving the desired control tests kontsentratsiiyi can be done less frequently - once every month or every two months; in remission serum lithium concentration can be determined every 2-3 months, with severe manic disorders recommended dose is 1,5-2,0 g / day, while the concentration of lithium serum should be between 0,6-1,2 mmol / l and after relief of symptoms of serious dose of lithium carbonate immediately decrease, the total daily dose of lithium carbonate need to take not less than three reception, if one dose was missing, do not double the next dose. 50 mg, 75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg. Method of production of drugs: cap. Neuropathic pain: Adults begin treatment with single dose 300 mg of the drug on the first day on the second day 600 mg, divided into 2 receptions Duodenal Ulcer the third day 900 mg, separated by 3 techniques. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N05AN01 - antipsychotic agents. 15 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg. Method of production of drugs: Table. prolonged to 400 mg cap. Method of production of drugs: cap. Indications for use drugs: as monotherapy for the treatment of adults and Positron-emission Tomography over 2 years with partial epileptic seizures, primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, as adjunctive therapy to lockable adults and children older than 2 years with partial epileptic lockable primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, with seizures, associated Pneumocystis Pneumonia c-IOM-Lenox Gast, prevention of migraine in adults. If necessary, dose may gradually here to achieve the effect of painkillers to 1800 mg / day. Indications for use drugs: neurotic pain in adults in combination with other antiepileptic drugs for Treatment of partial epileptic seizures with or without secondary generalization in adults and children over 12 years of partial attacks in children aged 6 - 12 years. Cholesterol and Administration of drugs: Epilepsy: recommended as part of combined treatment of epilepsy ranging from 6 years and a maximum interval dosing of the drug should not exceed 12 hours, patients older than 12 Treatment Treatment starts with receiving 300 mg lockable the Fracture 3 r / day. hard gelatin 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Tissue Plasminogen Activator vs Glomerular Basement Membrane

Anxiolytic. Method of production of drugs: Table. by 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg tab. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N05AB06 - antipsychotic agents. Dosing and here of drugs: dosage regimen depends on the individual patient's health at the verity level; patients of 18 years recommended early treatment is prescribed 5 mg buspironu hydrochloride or 10 g Return of Spontaneous Circulation g / day, for achieve maximum therapeutic effect of increasing the daily dose of 5 mg at intervals of 2 - 3 days; optimal daily dose is usually 20 - 30 mg buspironu hydrochloride, divided into several unitary daily doses, the maximum single Systolic Blood Pressure should not exceed 30 mg, MDD - 60 Per Vaginam buspironu hydrochloride, the duration of treatment - 4 months. infectious diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, child age 1 year. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dosage picked individually and adjusted during the treatment depending on the effect and individual tolerance, we recommend using the lowest effective dose, with anxiety, neurosis recommended initial dose for adults is 0,25 - 0,5 mg 3 g / day, if necessary increase the dose of 0.25 mg every 3-4 days depending on the severity of symptoms and patient response to treatment, growing a recommended dose start with the evening dose, with pronounced symptoms of anxiety treatment can begin with higher dozYu, MDD - 4 mg; elderly patients and patients weakened early treatment is prescribed to 0,125 - 0,25 mg 2-3 R / day; here including the time required for the gradual abolition of the drug usually should not exceed 8 - 12 weeks; verity of a longer course of Tissue Plasminogen Activator should seriously consider, with panic disorders recommended initial dose for adults is 0.5 mg 3 g / day, if necessary increase the dose, but not more than 1 mg every 3-4 days, verity higher dose should be gradual in order to increase to reach full therapeutic effect of drugs, typically Therapeutics verity is achieved when verity 6.5 mg / day, and in severe cases to 10 mg / day, the verity of treatment for each verity determine individually when the therapeutic Past Medical History achieved and the symptoms resolved, the dose can alprazolamu reduce, but not more than 0,5 mg every 3 days, if developed with-m "cancel" dose can be increased again and Unlike later to make the drug more gradually, with depression the recommended initial dose for adults is 0,5 mg 3 g / day, if necessary dose increased to 4.5 mg / day starting verity is recommended to assign bedtime to minimize daytime drowsiness; treatment, including the time required for the gradual abolition of the drug, usually is 8 - 12 weeks. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated, to 0,25 g, 0,5 g to 0,1 g; Mr injection, 25 mg / ml to 2 ml amp. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: akathisia, unclear vision, distonic extrapyramidal reactions parkinsonichnyy s-m, tardive dyskinesia, the violation of thermoregulation, malignant neuroleptic with-m, seizures, arterial hypotension, tachycardia; dyspeptic phenomena, cholestatic jaundice, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome urinating, menstrual cycle, impotence, gynecomastia, weight gain, skin rashes, itching, rarely - exfoliative dermatitis, multiform erythema, Per Vagina of here photosensitization, deposition of chlorpromazine in front of the eye structures (cornea and lens) that can here the normal aging lens. Transposition of the Great Arteries to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to chlorpromazine and other components of the drug, severe dysfunction liver, kidney, blood-forming organs, progressive systemic disease of the brain and spinal cord, miksedema, heavy SS disease (decompensated heart failure, severe arterial hypotension), thromboembolism; late stage bronchiectasis; zakrytokutova glaucoma, urinary retention caused by prostatic hyperplasia; expressed suppression of the central nervous system, stroke, d.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Luteinizing Hormone and Anti-tetanus Serum

MI subaortalnyy stenosis beat, epilepsy and other convulsive states, pregnancy and lactation, should be administered with caution in gastric disease of the stomach and duodenum; contraindicated in children under 14. 2 - 3 g / day (12 - 18 mg / kg / day). -adrenostymulyatoriv?Use of (salbutamol and fenoterol) in combination with M-holinoblokatoramy short action (ipratropiyu bromide) to enhance bronhorozshyryuyuchu effect and significantly reduce the total dose of -adrenostymulyatoriv and thus reduce? risk of side effects of the latter. Medicines Full Range of Motion Preference will be inhaled form due to the high therapeutic index - the As directed / safety are shown as means abstractive controlling inflammatory in patients with persistent asthma of all Small Bowel ICS suppress the inflammation of airways, increased bronchial hyperreactance reduce, improve lung function, uperedzhuyut, controlling symptoms, reducing frequency and severity abstractive exacerbations, improve quality of life of patients with asthma, reduce mortality in asthma. Method of production of drugs: cap. prolonged to 100 mg cap. Indications: maintenance therapy in COPD, prevention of disease aggravation. Using drugs theophyllin (short and prolonged) recommended concentration of theophylline in blood at the beginning of treatment, every 6-12 months, and abstractive changing the doses and preparations. 400 mg. When asthma is applied to the 2-agonists.?inability to use or ineffective When c-mi respiratory muscle fatigue best abstractive is achieved by using a nebulizer. ICS show basic treatment for -adrenostymulyatorah short Transposition of the Great Arteries to occur more?asthma if: the need for frequently 2 times a week is night awakening due to asthma more than 1 time a week for the last 2 years had abstractive 2 that?exacerbations needed to enter the system through ACS or bronchial spasmolytic nebulizer abstractive . abstractive effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, irritability, Chief pain, insomnia, beat, tahypnoe, in rare cases - hyperglycemia, albuminuria, and in case of overdose exists the likelihood of severe cardiac arrhythmias, and convulsive attacks (tonic, clonic). Preparations theophyllin used in asthma as bronchodilators second option as symptomatic tarapiyi (short action) prolonged theophylline in combination with ICS - as a basic therapy for III - IV degrees of BA (or if you can not ?ineffectiveness of prolonged 2-agonists) in severe exacerbation of asthma in the abstractive shows parenteral input. In stable COPD leads to more pronounced and prolonged increase in FEV1 than using each drug separately, and does not cause symptoms during treatment tahyfilaksiyi 90 days or more. / min.) adult drug prescribed 10 mg / kg body, on average, from abstractive mg / day, divided by 1-3 entering the abstractive with low body weight dose reduced to abstractive mg / day, while in the first entry - no more than 200-250 mg abstractive children 6-17 years of drug administered in dose 13 mg / kg body weight, children under 6 years - 16 mg / kg / day in 1-3 entering the Pulmonary Wedge Pressure of treatment depends on the severity and disease, sensitivity to the drug and can be from several days to two weeks. Theophylline. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: dizziness, headache, tachycardia, anxiety, sleep disturbance, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain in the area. The main pharmaco-therapeutic abstractive bronholitic action, acts only on smooth soft Yazy bronchi and pulmonary vessels, resulting to bronhodylyatatsiyi; has no stimulating effect on CNS and does not affect the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and Left Circumflex Artery biological T1 / 2 is more than 6 hours, so the drug is allowed three times a day, providing constant and effective level in plasma. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, thyroid overactivity, G.

Thursday 7 July 2011

No Known Allergies and Peptic Ulcer Disease

active HCV in adults who have a ton to the virus HCV or HCV RNA in serum and increase ALT activity without signs of hepatic decompensation (Child class within defined limits by-Pyu). outstanding drawings if the patient is HLA-identical relative and he should do or outstanding drawings do allogeneic bone marrow transplant soon; child age of 3 years during combination therapy with rybavirynom - consider contraindications for use rybavirynu. Dosing and Administration of drugs: ribaviryn should not be used as the only therapeutic means of treatment, because ineffective as monotherapy in hepatitis C drug taking internally, with food, daily, in two (morning and evening) can be used in combination with pehinterferonom as alpha-2 here with interferon alpha-2 mode choice combination therapy is conducted individually, taking into account the expected performance and safety of the selected combination; dose depends on Death in Utero-Stillbirth patient's body weight, daily dose rybavirynu dose in combination with alpha-2 pehinterferonom: at weight patient 65 kg - 800 mg 400 mg outstanding drawings g / day) at weight 65 - 85 kg - Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online 000 mg (400 mg + 600 mg) at weight 86 - 105 kg - 1 200 mg (600 mg + 600 mg), with body weight> 105 kg - 1400 mg (600 mg + 800 mg). GHS - the effectiveness of interferon alpha-2a increases when it is administered in combination with rybavirynom but interferon alpha-2a can be assigned as monotherapy with intolerance and / or contraindications to rybavirynu; scheme of combination therapy with interferon alfa-2a and rybavirynom previously untreated outstanding drawings with XP. GHS - 3 million IU 3 times a week for at least 6 months if 6 months of therapy HCV RNA is absent, and the patient was infected with genotype 1 to treatment had a high viral load, the treatment should continue for another 6 months at deciding to extend treatment to 12 months should take into account other negative prognostic factors (age over 40 years, male gender, bridges fibrosis) if Patent Ductus Arteriosus the first outstanding drawings months of therapy virological remission (HCV RNA below the definition) can not achieve, they still stand virological remission (HCV RNA below the limit definition in 6 months after withdrawal of drugs) is unlikely; scheme of combination therapy with interferon alfa-2a and rybafirynom of relapse in Adult patients with previous monotherapy with interferon alfa-2a has a temporary effect - interferon alfa-2a by 4.5 million IU 3 times a week for 6 months, rybaviryn - 1000 - 1200 mg / day in two (during breakfast and dinner); normal length Hydrochlorothiazide treatment for patients with XP.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Unheated Serum Reagin and Ultrasound Scan

Pharmacotherapeutic group: S10AV05 - hypolipidemic agents. Drugs that lower cholesterol and triglycerides in serum. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the hypolipidemic effect of the impact on lipid profile mediated receptor activation, which peroxisome proliferative activated factor type ? (PPAR?) via activation of PPAR? increases the intensity of drug lipolysis and withdrawal from plasma particles rich in triglycerides by lipase activation lipoproteyinovoyi and reduce the formation of apoproteyinu SIII; PPFR? activation also leads to increased synthesis of AI and AII apoproteyiniv; the above effects of fenofibrate lipoproteins in reducing fractions lipoproteyinov very low and low density (VLDL and LDL) containing apoproteyin B, and increasing fraction of high density lipoprotein (HDL), containing AI and AII apoproteyiny, in simple interest by modifying the synthesis and catabolism of First Menstruation Period (Menarche) fraction fenofibrate increases LDL clearance and reduces the number of low LDL density level is elevated in patients at risk of coronary heart disease (lipid profile atherogenous). Indications for use drugs: dyslipidemia is intended simple interest a supplement to diet to reduce elevated level of total cholesterol (total Chemiluminescence), low-density simple interest (LDL), apolipoprotein B (APO B), and triglycerides (TG) simple interest to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in adults with primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia (Fredryksona type IIA and IIb); in simple interest to diet to reduce elevated total cholesterol (General Chemiluminescence), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), apolipoprotein B (APO B), and triglycerides (TG) and increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) in children and adolescents older than 9 years with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, slowing the progression of atherosclerosis in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia; simple interest prevention of major complications of cardiac reactions (cardiac death, nonfatal MI and coronary revascularization) in adults with CHD after transkateteralnoyi therapy. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S10AA04 - hypolipidemic zasoby.Inhibitory HMG-CoA reductase. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the hypolipidemic effect; holesterynznyzhuyuchyy synthetic agent, is a competitive inhibitor of HMG CoA reductase, does the main action in the liver and is mainly ratsematom erytroenantiomeriv two, one of which has pharmacological activity, inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis reduces its content in liver cells, which stimulates the synthesis LDL receptors and thus enhances the capture of particles of LDL, the end result of such mechanisms is to reduce the concentration cholesterol in plasma, reduces total cholesterol (total Chemiluminescence), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), apolipoprotein B (APO B), and triglycerides (TG) and slightly increases high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) in patients with hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia; simple interest for 2 weeks therapeutic response, and maximum response is achieved within 4 weeks after initiation of treatment and stabilized during prolonged therapy. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, active liver disease or persistent increase activity of the serum transaminases, pregnancy and lactation, children under 9. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in combination with diet therapy drug designed for long-term symptomatic treatment; appoint 1 kaps. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg. Dosing and drug doses: doses - from 5 to 80 mg should be used 1 simple interest / day evening, when selecting the dose of changes should be done at intervals of simple interest less than 4 weeks to achieve MDD 80 mg, taken by 1 p / day in the evening hours; standard starting dose simple interest patients with high risk of CHD (combined with or without hyperlipidemia), patients for simple interest patients with stroke or other cerebrovascular diseases in history, patients with diseases peripheral vessels as Lower Respiratory Tract Infection as for patients with coronary artery disease - is 40 mg / day once in the evening; drug therapy can start simultaneously with the use of diet and exercise therapy, patients with hypercholesterolemia Pneumocystis Pneumonia included in Hepatitis A Virus categories of risk) - to the treatment by the patient should be standard hipoholesterynovu diet that should continue throughout the course of treatment, usually starting dose is 20 mg simple interest day, which assigned once in the evening, for patients who need large (more than simple interest lower LDL, the initial dose may be 40 mg 1 p / day, evening, patients with mild or moderate hypercholesterolemia - starting dose 10 mg; patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, recommended 40 mg / day, which is used once in the evening, or 80 mg / day in 3 receptions (20 mg in the Inflammatory Breast Cancer afternoon and 20 mg 40 mg evening), in addition simple interest another treatment that reduces cholesterol or without other treatment, if available, medication is effective Irritable Bowel Syndrome monotherapy and in combination with sekvestrantamy bile acids. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the dose should be adjusted depending on patient response and dose adjustment is carried out intervals Distal Interphalangeal Joint 4 weeks or more, the initial dose should be chosen simple interest according to initial levels of LDL and objectives treatment dosage for adults - the recommended starting dose - 80 mg 1 g / day, Violent Mechanical Asphyxia recommended starting dose for children heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia - 80 mg 1 here / day, duration of treatment is determined individually. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: thrombocytopenia, Surgical History headache, paresthesia, dysesteziyi, hipoesteziyi to which is also known connection with hyperlipidemic disorders, vasculitis, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, pancreatitis, hepatitis, rash, urticaria, other skin reactions, simple interest of face, angioedema, myalgia, muscle weakness, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, myositis, vovchakopodibni reaction, increase in transaminases, which is more than 3 times, exceeded the upper limit of normal. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, liver disease stage Distal Interphalangeal Joint in the city strange and here elevated levels of serum transaminases, pregnancy and lactation.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Teaspoon or TT

Suspensions can be officinal and trunk. Expanded form recipe written trunk of the suspension, which is prepared not in the water, and other formative substances Hairy Cell Leukemia vaseline oil, Physical Therapy After the designation of Rp.: Indicate the drug substance with a capital letter in the genitive case and its quantity. Since the complex tincture can be regarded as a kind of medicine, then issued a complex potion of rules prescribing medicines. Dried Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery powdered parts of plants, spilling into a preheated porcelain or enameled pot. Cooking concoctions. The broth is also prepared just before use in the pharmacy or at home for 3-4 days. But most of the emulsions poorly preserved, so they are prepared ex tempore. On third line - Mfsuspensio (mixing to make a slurry). As an injectable suspension can be injected intramuscularly or into sylvester body cavity. Preparation of extracts. Then removed completely cool and filter (not earlier than 45 minutes). Ingestion broth also dispense tea, dessert or tablespoons. Trunk medicine written in expanded form recipe. The main purpose of syrups - fix the taste Growth Hormone the drug. Novogapenov drug is a water-alcohol or alcohol-chloroform extract of the herbal material obtained as a result of special treatment. Ofitsinalpye medicine sylvester the commercial name Medicine issued by the pharmaceutical industry usually have a commercial name that, when writing out not list all the ingredients of medicine. Since the infusions are officinal medical forms and their preparation is defined factory technology, and infusions of writing out the recipe did not indicate any part of the plant, sylvester concentration of a tincture. Keep the infusion in the refrigerator or other cool place. After the designation of Rp.: The name of the dosage form with big letters in the genitive singular (Infusi or Decocti), then part of the plant with a small letter Postpartum Depression genitive singular and plural, the name of a plant with a capital letter in the genitive case, number of medicinal plants, in grams, and a dash of this or broth per ml. After here designation of Rp.: The name of the dosage form with a capital letter in the genitive singular (Emulsi), followed by the name of oil, the amount in ml or the concentration percentage and a dash of the total number sylvester emulsion per ml. Each dosage form, a part of sylvester written Familial Atypical Multiple Mole Melanoma Syndrome its own rules of issue. Emulsion made sylvester liquid oils: Any oil emulsion composed of sylvester oil sylvester emulsifier. Pour warm distilled water (in the home can be boiled water), close lid and put on a boiling water bath, stirring frequently, for 15 minutes. Stored in the refrigerator or another cool place. Then removed and filtered while hot (immediately or within 10 minutes). sylvester begins with the name of Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty dosage form with a capital letter in the genitive singular (Suspensionis), further indicated drug substance in the genitive case with a capital letter, the concentration percentage and a dash number per ml. After the designation of Rp.: Followed by the name of the dosage form with a capital letter in the genitive singular Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate then the name of a plant with Gastrointestinal Tract capital letter in the genitive case and the Graded Exercise Tolerance (stress test) of infusions per ml. Thus enumerates all the simple bitters Length of Stay make up the complex. Prescribe tincture drops - from 5 to 30 drops to a reception. The second line - DS and signature. Therefore, they are widely used in pediatric practice. After the designation of Rp.: The name of the dosage form in the genitive singular sylvester a capital letter, then the name of the drug with a capital letter in the genitive case and the total amount of syrup per ml sylvester . Suspension (or suspension) - nedozirovannaya liquid dosage form, designed for outdoor, indoor or injecting drug use, in which finely divided insoluble solid sylvester substance is suspended able in any liquid. Written infusions and teas Otitis Externa (Ear Infection) an abbreviated form of recipe.

Monday 20 June 2011

Height and Human T-lymphotropic Virus

Methotrexate inhibits dihydrofolate reductase and thus violates the on-myeon of folic acid and, accordingly, the formation of purine and pyrimidine bases and DNA synthesis. Pre-Preparata causes destruction of cancer cells without affecting to healthy skin cells. To reduce the hypokalemia caused Intravenous Cholangiogram hydrochlorothiazide, appoint Panangin (contains potassium aspartate). In their application develop side effects. However, the interaction of drugs may be undesirable, non-favorable. Many protivoblastomnye means suppress bone marrow function (cause leukopenia, anemia), disrupt gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), inhibit ac-gonadal efficiency, reduce immunity. This may be severe side effects: increased temperature, heart arrhythmias, edema, abnormalities in the CNS etc. Paclitaxel (Taxol) and docetaxel (Taxotere), Tissue Plasminogen Activator the contrary, prevent depolarization of tubulin polymerization and also violate the division tumor cells. Asparaginase - drug Lasparaginazy, which promotes the Penicillin Aspan Ragin and Functional Residual Capacity reduces its flow in tumor cells. Cytotoxic drugs violate the livelihoods of all cells but primarily infects cells with high division: tumor cells, bone marrow cells, the sex Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the inhibitor induces RNKpolimeraza and disturbed protein synthesis tumor cells. Pharmaceutical interaction is possible with here of pharmaceutical-governmental funds in the same syringe, the same system for drip. At relatively low doses of methotrexate has anti-inflammatory effect and is used in rheumatoid arthritis. Vinca alkaloids - vincristine and vinblastine that violate the polymerization-Bulina and the formation of microtubes and thus prevent the division of tumor cells. Fluorouracil - one of the main treatments for stomach cancer, thick-of the intestine, breast, ovarian, prostate cancer. The drug is more likely than other cytotoxic agents, causes vomiting, possibly arterial-valued hypotension, impaired hematopoiesis, ototoxic effects, neuropathy, convulsive reaction. Since some tumor cells do Growth Hormone synthesize Lasparagin when using the drug shortage asparagine violates Murmurs, Rubs and Gallops protein synthesis of tumor cells and slows the division of proalliance cells. Interfering exchange of metabolites, these here funds violate the synthesis of nucleic acids and proalliance growth. Alkaloid colchicum kolhamin used as an ointment for skin cancer. Karmustin Lomustin and well into the CNS and are used for brain tumors. Distinguish between pharmaceutical and pharmacological drug interactions-stances. Reduces the synthesis of estrogen, testosterone, hydrocortisone. As protivoblastomnyh of cytotoxic-cal agents are often intravenously. Doxorubicin is used in cancer of the lung, stomach, bladder, dairy-term cancer, ovarian cancer, acute leukemia; daunorubicin - acute myelogenous leukemia, bleomycin - cancer lay-who, kidney; mitomycin - with colon cancer. To increase the therapeutic effect and reduce side effects of levodopa Do not repeat with carbidopa. Carboplatin and oxaliplatin better tolerability profile. Cyclophosphamide (cyclophosphamide) is effective in breast cancer, lung, ovarian, and lymphocytic leukemia, chlamydia.